Are you making healthy choices?

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Rebecca: The new me is making healthier choices.
Greg: You sound like that weird butter commercial.

Why not settle for me? Darling, settle for me. I think that you'll have to agree we make quite a pair.


Rebecca: So Gregory, we are on a date.
Greg: Yes, we are.
Rebecca: Yes, okay. Let's engage in some date conversation.
Greg: Okay.
Rebecca: Who is your favorite president? Mine is Rutherford B. Hayes, for obvious reasons.
Greg: Have you been on a date before?
Rebecca: I have, I'm just trying to be mature and responsible and --PORK!

I don't want to label her. I just want to be her friend.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Rebecca: The new me is making healthier choices.
Greg: You sound like that weird butter commercial.

Are you making healthy choices?

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