Make sure this wedding is happening with you - not to you.

Father Brah

I came up with the hashtag #BunchofChans!

Rebecca: I have a super fast wedding to plan.
Nathaniel: Yeah, funny how that happened. Elevator. Kiss. Boom! Rush to the altar!
Rebecca: You think I moved up my wedding just because we kissed? Don't flatter yourself.

Rebecca: Thank you. Why would you do this?
Nathaniel: Because I know what it's like to care about your dad and what he thinks, even if you wish you didn't.
Rebecca: Thank you.

Josh: I'm starting to feel like I'm showing up for someone else's wedding.
Sara: Well, Josh, what do you really want?
Josh: You wanna see?
(pulls out cell phone and shows her a photo)
Sara: Josh, that is awesome!
Josh: But she said -
Sara: No, you gotta go for it, otherwise you'll always feel like it wasn't your wedding.
Josh: Yeah. You're right. Thank you. God, you're so chill!

Seriously, Patrick. Was I sick the day in school where they taught you to be a normal person? It just feels like there's something fundamental I'm missing out on. Like, is there an instruction manual? You get what I'm saying, Patrick? It just, it just feels like everyone is in this cabal of normal people, and they're all laughing at me like I'm the jester in my own Truman Show. Patrick, tell me what the secret is. Is there a manual? Do you have a manual? I know you have a manual, Patrick! I know it's in your trunk, Patrick!


I truly don't miss Josh. Like, at all. Like, ugh! But I had planned this whole future around him - our wedding, our kids, our house, our couples' Halloween costumes. And now I have to plan this whole future for myself, and I don't know what it is.
