Alvez: Why do you get to visit [Reid] first?
Garcia: Because I made the chart. And if anyone has a problem with that, tough nougees.

Strong men, men who are truly role models, don't need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful." -- Michelle Obama.


Walker: Garcia, see if you can pull it up.
Garcia: See if I ... you doubt me, sir? Watch me bulldoze through 137 pages of manifesto muck without cracking my lip gloss.

This is our ocean. One day it's calm, the next day there are waves the size of mountains. It will be hard at first, but trust me, you shouldn't fight it. You just gotta learn how to survive.

Shaw [to Reid]

Reid: How do you do it?
Shaw: What?
Reid: Survive.
Shaw: The first rule is to accept that no one is safe.

One of many lessons that one learns in prison is that things are what they are and will be what they will be. -- Oscar Wilde


I know it's going to be hard not to think about Reid in prison. We'll get through this, and more importantly, Reid will too.


Garcia: Our sweet, sweet boy wonder!
Rossi: He's strong. He's going to be OK.

Lewis: An unsub turning cars in murder weapons. That's terrifying.
Alvez: It could be a whole new frontier for serial killers.

Spencer, we are going to get you out of here. I promise.

Prentiss [to Reid]

The illusion of control makes the helplessness seem more palatable.-- Allie Brosh


Prentiss: He is innocent, Fiona. That has to count for something.
Fiona: The fact that you have so much faith in him counts a lot with me.

Criminal Minds Season 12 Quotes

You can't a fugitive's actions on the outside without taking into account what he did on the inside.


I can't sit around brainstorming about these guys. I need the chase.
