Every scar on my body is a memory, a lesson that I learned in blood. And it's what makes me who I am. And I don't forget any of it.


I'm so sorry about D squad, no matter how delicious they were. But I never would have knowingly eaten an Ava. You're the most remarkable women I've ever met! The Ava I know, she's a great leader, has amazing hair just like you, and still has time for her one true pairing, Sara.


Sara: You were in the pipes?
Gary: Yeah. You ever seen an octopus squeeze through a hole? My body's like that. Necrians take great pride in our scrunching.

Gideon: According to records, the patient flew into a manic episode during a procedure, causing the massacre. Victims were found with sting marks and exploded hearts.
Nate: We never meet the chill aliens.

Behrad: See, names and nomenclature imply we aren't all the same organism, living and breathing as one.
Pizza Delivery Guy: So I'm also Behrad Tarazi?
Behrad: Everyone is, and they aren't.
Pizza Delivery Guy: Oh, bruv.

Mick: You drank all the booze.
Kayla: Not my fault you couldn't keep up.
Mick: I can only hold two glasses at a time unlike you who can hold eight with your...tentacle things.
Kayla: Or you're just a lightweight.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Behrad: See, names and nomenclature imply we aren't all the same organism, living and breathing as one.
Pizza Delivery Guy: So I'm also Behrad Tarazi?
Behrad: Everyone is, and they aren't.
Pizza Delivery Guy: Oh, bruv.

Mick: You drank all the booze.
Kayla: Not my fault you couldn't keep up.
Mick: I can only hold two glasses at a time unlike you who can hold eight with your...tentacle things.
Kayla: Or you're just a lightweight.