Personally, I got a soft spot for cowboy diplomacy. But with nepotism, I agree. Fortunately, that's not what this was. Deputy Harris was right. LAPD was pinning a murder on an innocent man. Here's how I see it. You're letting a corrupt police officer walk for your own political benefit as you aim to run a department that you've never worked in, and you think you can do it better than all of the people who climbed their way up on the inside.


Riley: The days of a corrupt and lawless Sheriff's department are over. No more insiders. It's time for a reformer, an agent of change, someone to come in and clean house. So, today, I humbly announce my candidacy for Los Angeles County.
Jerry: What are you thinking?
Bill: I should have seen this coming.
Jerry: She'll destroy everything we've worked for. Whatever you think of me, Bill, an outsider running this department isn't right.
Bill: This may be the first time I've ever agreed with you, Jerry.
Jerry: It's not about you and me anymore.
Bill: Never was.

Riley: I'm a lawyer. Everything is negotiable.
Bill: Everything except the truth.

I did my part, and I'm walkin' away. What happens next to this kid is on you.


Genevieve: I'm a lesbian. A woman who likes women. And if you're not a woman, then what does that mean for me, for us?
Bishop: Well, I can't tell you what it means for you. But for us, I know that I have to bring my whole self to this relationship.

Just so we're clear. I wanted your acceptance, but I didn't need your acceptance.


Don't get all sanctimonious, Jerry. Your face might get stuck that way.


Some people rob out of desperation. Some to feed their habit. These kids, in particular, had money and status. Yet still, a hole grew inside of them. When people who have the most care the least, well, that's a bigger problem. One that we can't solve. So it's everybody's responsibility to teach our children what all this means and that we're in it together.


You've got a real talent for missing the big picture, Jerry.


If these weren't the kids of prospective donors, would you be goin' easy on 'em? We are the people who draw the line, Jerry. If we don't enforce the laws for everyone, what's the damn point?


I always thought voter fraud was a myth. But you people? No way someone would pull the lever for this clown show.


I use my job as a way to escape, to manage my addiction. You know, I feel safe at burying myself at work. But now it's just reminding me of how far I came from how and how high I had to climb to escape my demons.


Deputy Quotes

This is like that Brady Bunch episodes. Do remember? When they make Greg the rock star because he fits the suit? Well, I'm Johnny Bravo. And it didn't end well.


I'm a lawman. Never took a dime. Never put my hands on somebody unless I had to. Never pulled the trigger when there was another way. You want to hunt gangsters? Human traffickers? Well, I'm your huckleberry. But you're asking me to drag families from their homes so you can eat from the federal trough. When'd you lose your way, Jerry?
