Dominic: You played a good hand, ma'am.
Adelle: I played a bad hand very well. There's a distinction.
Dominic: Of course.

Boyd: They don't think I can handle that?
Topher: Ahh, not everything is about you, Mr. Infinite Ego Man.

Ballard: Tell me about the Dollhouse.
Joel Mynor: The Doll... Uh, it's pink, and it opens up, and there's teeny furniture, and you put the boy doll on top of the girl doll and we learn about urges.

God brought me here to give you a message, and that message is "Move your ass!"


Dr. Saunders: It's possible one good sneeze could bring on a seizure.
Topher: Or even worse, a sneezure.

Adelle: Echo, why don't you go and have a massage?
Echo: A massage would be relaxing.
Topher: If she was any more relaxed, she'd be ooze.

Loomis: Then you know that I've got plenty of faces to scan for people much more impressive than you.
Ballard: Not as charming.
Loomis: Was that flirting?
Ballard: I think so. It's been a while. Did I mention I was shot?

That could lead to a coma state, or it could turn her into Carrie at the prom.


Adelle: You reached out to an Active during an engagement without my say-so?
Topher: It's the adrenaline. It makes me forget my protocols and cues.

(undressing) They're called breasts, and yes, they are exceptional. Mention that when you blog about this later.


(about Ballard) He needs closure. And we are the experts at giving people what they need, aren't we?


Boyd: (handing Echo a gun) Do you know how to use this?
Echo: Four brothers. None of them Democrats.

Dollhouse Quotes

If you have everything, you want something else. Something more extreme. Something more specific. Something perfect.

Paul Ballard

You ever try to clean an actual slate? You always see what was on it before.
