Listen, I am not stressed because I have money. I am stressed because I'm being stocked by a demon.


Grace, ask for what you need. You'll get it. They need you more than you need them.


David, I don't believe in God or the Church, but I liked that you did because it gave me something to aspire to, something to admire. But you're just like everyone else.


David: Kristen, I don't want to disappoint you or myself, but I do believe in something that goes beyond both of us. I know you don't believe in God, but I do, and that requires an action that is beyond what we have. I don't know how else to say it, but I care for you more than anyone I know. But when God demands something of me, I have to obey.
Kristen: I wish I understood.
David: I know. It's OK. As long as you know how much you matter to me.
Kristen: David, I love you. I hate saying that because it sounds like I mean something that I don't, but I love you. I love you as a friend. I love you as somebody I respect, somebody who... Look, I should probably stop talking.

David: This is all a game to you, isn't it?
Victor: A very serious game, and one we need to play to protect the holy.

[people chanting "guilt"] OK. Guys, guys. Everybody. That's not helping. And even if I was guilty, OK, I wouldn't crawl around on the floor like some kind of nut hitting myself, right? It doesn't do anything. [the shouts increase]


Leland: Your muse fled.
Kurt: How do I get it back?
Leland: Do you really want to know?
Kurt: Yes; that's why I'm asking.
Leland: Hemingway asked. Fitzgerald. Joyce. Mailer. Pound. But, you have to be prepared to do what they did.
Kurt: What did they do?
Leland: [takes out scissors] Use these.
Kurt: How?
Leland: Sister Andrea. Gut her hair. Cut it all off, and your muse will return.
Kurt: You're joking.
Leland: No, I'm not.

Victor: We want you to work with David and us to stop Leland. He is intent on putting your daughter on a demonic throne above the destroyed world.
Kristen: I'm sorry; what?!
Victor: You must have wondered why Leland was targeting you. Why did he go after you at court from the very beginning? Why Orsen LaRoux? Why Dwight Farrell? Why your delusions? Why your night terrors? Yes, we know everything. None of this is mysterious. It is human. This is not about you; this is about your daughter.

I had an experience, and it's thrown my life off course.


David: So, what does the entity want from me now? Cyanide pills?
Victor: Oh, David. I never tire of your teasing.

Well, it's the American way. When in doubt, go with violence and sex.


Leland: Your eminence. This is disgusting. Someone is trying to set me up.
Monsignor: Leland, I need to thank you for your months of service.
Leland: Monsignor, this is a lie!
Monsignor: Doesn't matter. You know better than anyone, the Church cannot risk the liability in this matter. We will, as always, give you a positive recommendation to your next ventures, but I need to ask you to leave right now.
Leland: You're gonna be sorry.
Monsignor: It's a rare day when I'm not sorry.

Evil Quotes

Acosta: The Church has a backlog of about 500,000 requests for exorcisms and miracle appraisals, and my colleague Ben and I are hired by the Church to investigate unexplained phenomenon and recommend whether there should be an exorcism or further research.
Kristen: I didn’t know that was a job.
Acosta: It is.

Kristen: Why did you give my therapy notes to a serial killer?
Townsend: You’re in way over your head, Ms. Bouchard. Why don’t you leave this to the professionals?
Kristen: Who are the professionals?
Townsend: Your boy toy Acosta, Leroux, the Sixty.
Kristen: Who are the Sixty?
Townsend: People who know who you are, now. Hey, that session No. 37 was a juicy one, wasn’t it? ‘I just want my daughters gone so I can have my freedom.’ Just say the word Kristen, and ‘Poof, they’re gone.’ No one blames you, no guilt; just four little caskets.
Kristen: Go to hell.
Townsend: With pleasure. In fact, I’ll make room for your daughters.