OK, well, that's all I've got. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get to where you want to go.

Isobel [to Maggie]

OA: What if he gets emotional? What if he gets desperate?
Maggie: It's our only move.

Maggie: I've got to get inside.
OA: What are you talking about?

Hector: I know you think I'm crazy, that I'm making this up. But I'm not.
Maggie: I don't think you're crazy. I think you're frustrated because nobody's been listening to you. Not until now. I am listening to you.

Dunn {to Scola and Tiffany]: I want {Saywyer] looking over his shoulder at all times. But I'm not a killer.

OA: Someone's harassing you guys?
Cara: Yeah. Some local nutjob. Claims we're contributing to the downfall of the country. Threatened to burn the place down if we didn't send these migrants back to where they came from.

OA: So it's politics over safety.
Detective: Of course it is. His numbers are in the toilet.

OA: Are you asking me to lie for you?
Hassan: No, I'm asking you to understand why I did what I did.

A case is a case.

Maggie; Wow. Fired up today. I know it's a tough case. OA

Jessie: Maggie.
Maggie; Ladies have to wear heels in Counterterrorism?
Jessie: Sometimes I feel like doing the power woman thing.

I'm one of you. I'm FBI.

Hassan [to OA]

I stand by those letters. I have the right to express my disdain or dissent for racism and fascism.
Maggie; That's true. The thing is, Judge Pollan in dead. He was shot.


FBI Quotes

Maggie: I never saw Emmett Grant, but I can't get him out of my head
OA: A lot of people made it out of that building because of you. That matters.

OA: I haven't seen grenades like these since West Point.
Maggie: These are U.S. Army?
OA: Not anymore. They got way more high tech stuff now.