Mo: Have I been here before?
Morgan: No.

Mo: I'm not here to hurt you.
Madison: You came back. How did you get down here?
Mo: I snuck past the guards. They leave it unmanned when they do their rounds at shift change.
Madison: Why'd you come back?
Mo: I need you to teach me.
Madison: Teach you? What? Teach you what?
Mo: How to kill Carrion.

Ava: You don't remember, do you?
Madison: What?
Ava: You took my child.

Morgan: Give me the child back.
Madison: She's better off without you.

Morgan: You're Madison Clark?
Madison: And, you are?
Morgan: I know Nick and Alicia.

Morgan: Where is PADRE?
Madison: That's what I forgot to tell you. I don't know.

Alicia: Are you going to be okay?
Daniel: I wasn't there for Ofelia at the end, but I will be there for her. I will see you again.

Alicia: I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop this from happening to you.
Charlie: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, either.
Alicia: Daniel's gonna look after you, okay?
Charlie: I know. It's okay. It's okay, Alicia, because... I got to do something that I never thought I would. And look... we finally got to see a beach.
Alicia: We did.

Strand: It may not be the Abigail, but we can rough it out together.
Alicia: Stop.
Strand: What? No. Alicia? Alicia! No. Get... Get on the raft! No! I don't know how fast I'll turn. I don't know how much longer I have left.
Strand: I'm willing to take that risk.
Alicia: I'm not. It's up to you to make sure everything we've been through means something. You have to go.
Strand: I'm not gonna go!
Alicia: You have to go.
Strand: I'm not gonna go! You have to go!
Alicia: People may have heard my message. They may be heading to the Tower.

Morgan: Hey. Hey. Is that you?
Alicia: I'm sorry I didn't do what I said I would with the Tower.
Morgan: You got everybody onto the rafts. That's all that matters. Also, I think you might be right. I've been hearing some chatter on the radio and... I think it might be Padre. I think Padre is real. And I think we might actually have someplace to go to. How about that? Alicia, how are you feeling? You need to know something. No matter what happens to me... ♪ ♪ You won't be doing this alone. I won't be doing it alone, because you're going to be alright. Right?

Strand: Auspicious of you showing up like this. I was going to call you.
Alicia: What for?
Strand: To talk.
Alicia: So talk.
Strand: Not like this. Come inside. Have a drink with me.
Alicia: Is this you waving the white flag?
Strand: We'll talk about that on the inside. One drink.

Wes: What happened to you?
Strand: There are days when one must swipe the slate clean, Wes. Today is one of them.
Wes: She didn't come alone.
Strand: The gang's all here.

Fear the Walking Dead Quotes

You just haven't been tested ... but you're about to be.


Ali: I'm ready.
Howard: I admire your ambition. I know Victor does, too. But everyone has got to start somewhere. To that end.
Ali: Another one?
Howard: No, this is not just any butterfly. This is the Mourning Cloak. Extremely rare. Live for about a year. And Victor has got the perfect spot for it on the shelf. All you've got to do is find one.