Elizabeth: Things are, uh, very complicated
Gabe: Yeah well, most everything in life is. But, the people who want to be together tend to make it work. So I'm just saying, maybe the whole complicated thing, is just an excuse.

She's obviously sick. Seriously, if she had cancer, would you abandon her?


Taylor: I don't know how to help her. I don't know what she needs.
Elizabeth: Oh, baby. I don't know how to help her either.

Gammy: Yeah, how are you doing, hmm?
Taylor: Oh, I'm fine. I have more important things to worry about than Lori's mental problems.

Elizabeth: Lori doesn't deserve her
David: Liz, I know you're afraid, but she's coming back. She's ours. Yours and mine.

Why does it look like a beauty pageant blew up in my house?!


Maybe something happens when you have a kid that makes you completely lose your mind

Grant: I was actually thinking of staying here tonight if it was okay...
Elizabeth: Yeah, of course. Yes, that's okay.
Grant: You know, I can't ice my cake until it cools down. And, plus, PopPop spends a lot of time in his underwear.

David: Liz, I know you're afraid when she's out of your sight.
Elizabeth: No, that's not it.
David: Sure it is
Elizabeth: Every mother is afraid for her children
David: Not all mothers have to deal with kidnappings

Madison: We'll get jobs! You know, figure out a way to make it work.
Carter: Okay, that is what strippers say right before they become hookers.

Everything's fine, but I feel worse every day.


What kid isn't in therapy because of their parents?


Finding Carter Season 2 Quotes

Carter: You drugged me.
Lori: I know baby, I'm sorry. I had to.

Max: I made a really big mistake, breaking us up. I was going through a lot.
Taylor: That will happen when someone shoots you.
Max: Yeah, but I don't want to be apart. We had a really great thing going and I think we should have it again, now, if that's OK.