Bird: If it were me, and Abby were a guy, would you be OK with it?
Gabe: Of course, because I know you're a grown person and you know what you're doing.

You call, you whine, I come.


You know, man, if you're going to get the benefits, maybe trying being the friend, too.


Max: Are you making something special for dinner?
Taylor: I'm making myself disappear for dinner.
Max: You look really nice, for your vanishing act.

Elizabeth: Max, Crash left you to die. Why do you care what happens to him?
Max: I guess somewhere along the line we accidentally became friends.

Grant: You know on the seventh day God rested, right?
Taylor: God wasn't in high school.

This family needs a reality show.


Bird: Relax, OK, just bought out the bumper cars for the next couple hours.
Max: But where did you even get the money for that.
Bird: I squeezed a little extra out of my grandparents!
Max: OK, but what about our bills? We need that money to eat and live. We're gonna be on the streets.
Bird: Oh my God. It only cost a few hundred bucks! Why do you have to be so dramatic?
Max: Why do you have to think you won't have any friends unless you buy them?

Because from where I'm standing only one of us is pulling for this marriage to work and it's me.


David: If you want to see other people, just say so.
Liz: I'm not the one with a date in the other room!

Here's a question. How come everything you hear off of every Tarot reader is positive? Is all the energy off of every person who comes in her positive, or do you like have to hide the bad news?

I don't know what's going on with Lori, but I like the girl who cares for the people she loves. The world needs more people like her.


Finding Carter Season 2 Quotes

Carter: You drugged me.
Lori: I know baby, I'm sorry. I had to.

Max: I made a really big mistake, breaking us up. I was going through a lot.
Taylor: That will happen when someone shoots you.
Max: Yeah, but I don't want to be apart. We had a really great thing going and I think we should have it again, now, if that's OK.