You’ve always been clear about who you are and the lines you’re willing to cross to save a life. I used to be. But lately, I’ve been blurring my own lines. … You know, I can’t remember when my morning didn’t start at the precinct. Even as a kid, my dad brought me in just like his dad did with him and his dad before him. Being a cop is who I am. Fighting on the right side that’s just that’s in my blood. I don’t know who I am without the badge.


As I was telling your friend, if card's an issue, we take insurance.


There's been distance between us since your father passed. I kept telling myself that it was grief, but I'm not so sure. I think you're hiding something from me. I don't know what, but I know that you lied to me, to all of us a couple of times.


Margaret: She's (Gabi) still with Tony?
Dhan: She's not gonna stop feeling responsible until he comes out of his coma or we catch the bastard behind the trafficking ring.

Rachel: Gabi, are you any closer to finding my son?
Gabi: We have some leads.
Rachel: That means you know about...
Gabi: David is not defined by his addiction. He's a good kid.

Welcome home!

Team M&A

You blamed yourself for being taken, and your father he blamed himself for not being able to find you. But the truth is the devil that robbed you and your father of that year is the only one to blame.


Lacey: We located the person who pulled the tab from Jamie's flyer.
Gabi: He didn't pull it because he knew anything about Jamie; he used it to wrap his gum.
Margaret: OK, thank you. Thank you for your help.
Lacey: I really wish the outcome were different.
Margaret: I mean, we've been here before, right? It's OK, I'm fine, it's fine, I'll just get some… I'll get some new flyers printed. I wish I could move on. I wish I could. But I can't… I just… I can't move on.

I know I don't talk about it, but for three long years, I was held captive, and because of that, I know how hard it is to be alone. It's not something I wish on anyone, especially not a friend.


Sir: Gabrielle, think! I wouldn't have left a book out unless...
Gabi: wanted me to see it.
Sir: There's a whole world out there. So much to see and experience. I want us to see the world together, Gabrielle. Paris can be our first stop.
Gabi: I don't understand
Sir: Well, the plan was never to stay here and hide in this place forever. I was waiting for you to adapt, to accept our new family. Once you do, we'll turn the page to get a new chapter anywhere in the world. We'll change our names. I've already come up with mine: Eric Blair.
Gabi: Eric Blair was George Orwell's real name.
Sir: Well done! Now, you need to come up with your new name. One that embodies who you wanna be in our new life together. I can't wait!

Lacey: Gabi lied to me today about Sir. And I have no idea why.
Dhan: It's been a long day, Lacey. Whatever it is, let it go. Everybody has their secrets.

Lacey: Okay, I learned this neat little trick in one of my law classes this week to use on witnesses, to like tell if they're lying.
Zeke: Oh yeah?
Lacey: You can tell a person is lying based on a few things. Like a rise or fall in tone, or avoiding eye contact, or repeating the question back to you, or if a person uses a modifier like honestly or truthfully.

Found Quotes

Gabi: Who is this?
Reporter: Sarah Holden, Senator Holden's missing daughter.
Gabi: Sarah went missing 29 hours ago while playing in the park with her brother. There isn't a person in America who hasn't seen Sarah's face all over their TVs, highly increasing her chances of being found. Now who is this? [silence] This is why there will always be a need for what I do. Tasheika has been missing from the DC area for the last two weeks, and no one is talking about her. I sincerely hope they find Sarah. I do. But while you keep prioritizing the missing high-profile blonde girls of the world. My team and I will gladly continue to pick up the slack for the rest.

Gabi: We're a crisis management firm. We are PR specialists, lawyers, tech experts, and private investigators, all doing the job the police seem too busy to do.
Reporter: And what do you say to the people who call you vigilantes?
Gabi: We find missing people who have slipped through the cracks and bring them home. You're talking to a woman who, 20 years ago, had to rescue herself from her kidnapper because no one was looking.