Peter: Is that it?
September: You say that as if we're not carrying enough technology that can bend space and time into a mobius strip.

Walter: When you pulled us from the lake, you said the boy is important, he must live. You weren't referring to my son, you were referring to yours.
Donald: Yes. Did he show you anything else?
Walter: Yes. And there's one thing I haven't told the others. He showed me that in order for the plan to work, I would have to sacrifice myself.

I am experiencing something I do not understand. The idea of ending their existence consumes me.


We've lost a lot. A lot of good people sacrificed themselves to get us to you.


Before I met him I didn't think it was possible to love you more. But now, knowing what we've been through and everything we've had, I do. You never liked public displays of affection, or going number two in a public restroom. I remember that, too.


Peter: What is this boy? How could he do this for you, enable you to see a life you didn't live?
Walter: I'm not sure, but I feel it.

Olivia: Walter, why did you remove your trunks?
Walter: I was feeling too restrictive. My body needs to be as free and open as my mind is so I can find September.
Olivia: Are you feeling sufficiently free and open now?
Walter: I am. Let's get started.

Fringe Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Peter: What is this boy? How could he do this for you, enable you to see a life you didn't live?
Walter: I'm not sure, but I feel it.

Olivia: Walter, why did you remove your trunks?
Walter: I was feeling too restrictive. My body needs to be as free and open as my mind is so I can find September.
Olivia: Are you feeling sufficiently free and open now?
Walter: I am. Let's get started.