Lane: (after meeting Paris for the first time) Wow, you didn't exaggerate.
Rory: Paris needs no embellishment.

Lorelai: Hey, hey, hey, cut it out! Break it up! You back off! Come here! What do you think you're doing?!
Luke: He started it!
Lorelai: By doing what?
Luke: He was coming in.
Lorelai: Are you a lunatic! He's 16!
Luke: Well what was I supposed to do?!
Lorelai: Well stand in the middle of the street and have a slap fight of course! Come here!
Rory: (to Dean) Are you ok?
Dean: I'm fine.
Rory: Oh good, I don't know what got into Luke. He's usually so -
Dean: I have to go.
Rory: Oh sure, bye.
(Dean leaves, Lorelai grabs Luke as he wants to follow Dean)
Lorelai: Get inside now. Inside - now!
Luke: He started it.

It just figures that the only Korean boy at this party has his Korean-girl radar turned on.


Lorelai: Did you rearrange the furniture?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Good, cause for a minute there I thought we were having a problem with decorator elves and I was going to have to call an exterminator and tent the place. But it was just you, great. Good... So now, was there any reason that you suddenly felt the need to move around large pieces of furniture first thing in the morning?
Rory: I was up. It was there.
Lorelai: Okay. Good thought process. Great... Now, I noticed that you didn't move the TV though.
Rory: It was too heavy.
Lorelai: Right, ok. Well, I like this. Yeah. This is good. Now, of course, when the sofa actually faced the TV it made a little easier to watch. But this is good too. It will be like um, you know like radio.

Lorelai: Rory, my heart, today is Saturday, the day of rest!
Rory: Sunday's the day of rest.
Lorelai: No, Saturday's the day of pre-rest.
Rory: Pre-rest?
Lorelai: Yeah, so that way when you actually get to Sunday, you're rested enough to enjoy your rest.
Rory: That makes absolutely no sense.
Lorelai: That's because it's six o'clock on Saturday morning!

Lane: I have to go.
Boy: Wait, I didn't get your number.
Lane: Last name's Kim, we're the only ones in Stars Hollow. (as she walks away) I can't believe I just gave my name to a potential Korean doctor!

(about breakups) I was thrown from a moving car once.


I'm going to order us something. Any preference - eggs, french toast, the key to the dumpster?


There would be dancing at the Kim household - followed by a lot of praying - but initially, there would be dancing.

</i> Lane

(Rory reads list where Lorelai wrote 'wallow')
Rory: Mom ...
Lorelai: What? It's on the list. Don't you have to do it if it's on the list?
Rory: I'm not going to wallow.
Lorelai: But I put it after going to the recycling center.

Lane: Hi, my name's Lane.
Louise: As in, 'walk down a...'
Lane: Yes, exactly.

Rory: Oh God!
Lorelai: What?
Rory: I forgot your meatball in the car!
Lorelai: Oh, honey, forget it.
Rory: No, I can't believe I left your meatball in the car!

Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Lorelai: Oh well, uh, good morning sleeping beauty.
Luke: Yeah, well you know Rachel thought I looked a little tired.
Lorelai: No, it's good. You need a little break.
Luke: I guess.
Lorelai: You do. So she seems pretty comfortable here huh?
Luke: Yeah well she always could just fit in places you know. It's a talent of hers.
Lorelai: She looks good in your apron.
Luke: Yeah well, can I get you anything?
Lorelai: Oh, um, do you think you could make those really crazy chocolate chip pancakes and go extra heavy on the chocolate?
Luke: Yeah sure, any special occasion?
Lorelai: Dean broke up with Rory.
Luke: What?!
Lorelai: Keep it down, she doesn't want anybody to know about it.
Luke: Oh I knew it, I just knew that kid was trouble.
Lorelai: Yes you did, you knew it. Pancakes please.
Luke: Oh God, he's got a nerve. I mean what does he think he's gonna do better than Rory? Is he crazy? Jeez. Alright, well forget it ok. Good riddance, adios, bienvenidos, hasta la vista.
Lorelai: Could we get off the small world ride and start cooking please?
Luke: How is she?
Lorelai: She's been dumped by her first boyfriend.
Luke: Oh man, I swear I would love to... ok, I'm gonna put some whipped cream on the pancakes too.
Lorelai: Thank you Luke.

(Luke spots Dean outside the diner and walks to him)
Luke: Stop right there.
Dean: What?
Luke: Where are you going?
Dean: To get coffee.
Luke: Wrong.
Dean: Excuse me?
Luke: You're not going in there buddy.
Dean: What are you talking about?
Luke: Turn around bag boy.
Dean: Are you serious?
Luke: Do you see a smile on my face?
Dean: No but what's different about that?
Luke: What's that supposed to mean?
Dean: It's just that you're not exactly known as the town crack up.
Luke: So you're a smart guy now, huh?
Dean: What are you doing?
Luke: Just exercising my right not to serve you.