It's better. I mean nobody can live up to the all white, happily every after wedding gown, because ultimately it's you, it's the one you love, a lot of hard work and a gamble. Better odds than Vegas.


There is no handbook! You're not the answer lady. Marriage is not a one size fits all deal. I don't know. You don't know. All I know is I am still, and screw me I probably always will be, in love with you!


Jake: Tell me that living apart has not been a game changer.
Abby: That is not the way to save a marriage.
Jake: You don't know that. I'm talking about how I feel now.

Jake: Just because we signed the papers, doesn't mean we have to file them.
Abby: What?
Jake: Maybe this is what we need. Time apart to figure our own shit out and become Jake and Abby 2.0. Better versions of ourselves. Us. I'm saying what if we gave this thing one more shot?

You know, Will seems like a solid, very young guy.


If in fact I can trust my emotions, I am in love with you. Madly. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives, just not as man and wife.


Abby: I'm just sitting here with the papers and, um, this is gonna sound weird...
Jake: You're getting turned on? Legalese makes your horny? Look man, call your boy toy. I can't help you.
Abby: No. I just thought it might be easier if you and I signed these together. Preferably with some alcohol in hand. Mark the moment.
Jake: You mean like a we got in this together, let's get out of it together kind of thing?

Fine. Celebrate me. But I am official against it and refuse to enjoy it.


Jake: Hey you, awesome divorce.
Abby: We kicked divorce ass!

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Fine. Celebrate me. But I am official against it and refuse to enjoy it.


Jake: Hey you, awesome divorce.
Abby: We kicked divorce ass!