Secrets kill, Jake. Secrets kill.


Jake: You know, at a certain point, we're actually going to have to talk about what's going on here.
Abby: I know. Can't we just keep it secret and delicious for now?
Jake: So I want to talk about our relationship and you don't. We are truly Jake and Abby 2.0.

Abby: We're going to do it right this time, aren't we? We're different.
Jake: Absolutely.
Abby: We're different.

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Secrets kill, Jake. Secrets kill.


Jake: You know, at a certain point, we're actually going to have to talk about what's going on here.
Abby: I know. Can't we just keep it secret and delicious for now?
Jake: So I want to talk about our relationship and you don't. We are truly Jake and Abby 2.0.