Miles: If I told you what brought us here, you would think I was crazy.
Abe: Lucky for you, I like crazy.

Ali: But it means so much to you. I mean, even you can't deny that you are a different person ever since the God Account came into your life. I mean, it's changed you, Miles, for the better.
Miles: Yes, it's changed me. But so did Cara.
Ali: Then, you need to tell her that. Make sure she's on board so you're not doing this for nothing.

I want you to meet my new friends. This Miles, and this is Joy. Rose, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.


Paul: How do people usually react when you tell them?
Cara: I mean no one ever thinks they need help, but they always do.

Arthur Finer: You know, when God ordered Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, it didn't end with his son's death. It was a test to see what Abraham was willing to sacrifice.
Miles: Yeah, but this isn't God.
Arthur: No, but maybe the idea of giving up love is whoever is behind the God Account's version of a test.

Sometimes heartache can be a great inspiration.


Miles: We can't let the God Account come between us.
Cara: It didn't. Miles, you did.

I'm sorry, Miles. It's just my girlfriend broke up with me, and I've lost my mojo at work, and I'm putting my career in jeopardy, and somehow, you still found yourself in a worse position, so thank you for cheering me up.


You know, for a non-believer, you certainly follow the God Account blindly.


Cara: This is the part where you go inside and slam the door in our face.
Gideon: No. I know you're telling the truth.
Miles: How?
Gideon: Because seven years ago I was friended by the God Account.

Miles: I don't believe in God.
Gideon: You say that like it matters. I know how it sounds. But, like it or not, you've been chosen?
Miles: Chosen for what?
Gideon: What else does God choose people for? To be a prophet.
Cara: Wait, a prophet like beard, and long flowing robes, destined to change the world kind of thing?

Trish: And the other part feels like when he agreed to become Bishop, he made his choice. He chose the church over us, over the plans we had for our life.
Miles: I understand that. But how can you walk away before you really now? If dad believes he can find that balance, doesn't he deserve the chance to prove that to you? Prove it to himself?

God Friended Me Quotes

I am your host Miles Finer that there is no god and that is okay!


I thought I had it all figured out but then something happened and it changed my life forever. There is no proof of god anywhere in the universe.
