Annie- Dude, we've been laundering fake money for a street gang.
Ruby- So?
Annie- So, it's not a college internship. We can't be like 'Thanks, bye. I learned so much'. There is no getting out.

Beth- Go big or go home, right?

Beth- I robbed a grocery store. I didn't do it for nothing.
Annie- God, when did you get so cool?

Beth- When women support other women, incredible things happen.

Annie- Just call us the mailman.
Ruby- Why?
Annie- Cuz we deliver.

Good Girls Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Beth- Go big or go home, right?

Annie- Dude, we've been laundering fake money for a street gang.
Ruby- So?
Annie- So, it's not a college internship. We can't be like 'Thanks, bye. I learned so much'. There is no getting out.