Gossip Girl: In these last hazy days of summer, a few simple tips to beat the heat: 1. Drink plenty of fluids. 2. Stay out of the sun. 3. Limit all physical activity... that is, within reason.

If you can't stand the heat ... there's always a cold shower.

Gossip Girl: Spotted: S and Lonely Boy locking lips like all is forgiven. Will round two be any better?

Blair: We've been dating for awhile, so I thought ...
Marcus: I feel the same way. But you're very special. I want the moment to equal it.

Vanessa: Calling him won't look desperate?
Jenny: It will. It will. It will. But in a cute, romantic way.

Catherine: Ralph Lauren adores you.
Nate: Did you hear what I just said?
Catherine: I did. What happened to the money I gave you?
Nate: It's gone, but I can repay you back as soon as our accounts are unfrozen.
Catherine: Which won't be until your father returns from... where was it? Dominica?
Nate: I told you that in confidence!
Catherine: You told me that in bed.

Dan: Serena... I still ...
Serena: I know. Me too.
[elevator door closes]
Serena: ... I love you.

Serena: I'm scared.
Dan: Me too.
Serena: When I step out of here, it's over.
Dan: I think... I think it was already. It just took us this long to realize, and get used to it.

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Lady B acting not so lady-like. Hope you kept the receipt for that tiara, B.

It's like Roman Holiday but I'm Gregory Peck and he's Audrey Hepburn!


There's a force larger than us at work here.


I thought you were just a callow social-climbing former swimsuit model who married above her station and was enslaved by her own insecurities.


Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Serena: Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her.
Chuck: Who told you that little piece of advice, your boyfriend Nate?
Serena: Nate didn't say anything ...
Chuck: Good. I don't think it's wise taking relationship advice from someone in a FAKE relationship. Call me crazy. (pause) Enjoy another night alone with your thoughts.
Serena: Good luck on your suicide mission!

Serena: I still miss Dan sometimes... more than sometimes.
Blair: The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey... is mourning Dan Humphrey.