[narrating] "Who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? It’s not on the calendar, it’s not a birthday, it’s not a new year. It’s an event, big or small, something that changes us. Ideally, that gives us hope, a new way of living and looking at the world, a way of letting go of old habits, old memories. What's important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning, but it's also important to remember that, amid all the crap, there are a few things worth holding on to."


ADDISON: "There is a land called Passive Agressiva, and I am their queen."
DEREK: [smiles] "That's all I'm saying... except when you're shrieking about trout."

CRISTINA: "I wasn't gonna have it. The baby. We barely knew each other. I was an intern, and there was no way that we could have..."
PRESTON: "It's okay. I just wanted to know. I want to know things."

DENNY: "You're stalking me. You're a stalker."
IZZIE: [smiles] "Can you blame me?"

DENNY: "That guy Alex. You with him?"
IZZIE: "No."
DENNY: [smiles] "Good. That means I won't have to fight him for you."
IZZIE: "What makes you think I want you to fight him for me?"
DENNY: "You're in love with me. I'm well off, but not into money. I'm smart, but not a know-it-all. I'm funny, I love animals. And I'm hot. I'm a catch, if you can wrap yourself around the enlarged failing heart."
IZZIE: "You're right. I am sooo in love with you. It's a shame, really, since I'm with Hildy and all."

[to Cristina] "Yang, why are you looking at my fat pregnant belly?"


MEREDITH: "Free time sucks."
GEORGE: "When would have been a good time to hear about your boyfriend's wife?"
MEREDITH: "Are you mad at me or something?"

[to Bex] "You just have to get through high school. High school sucks for anyone who's the least bit different. But then there's college, and then out in the real world, you'll find where you belong."


"Loved. You said you loved her. Past tense. So, I've been shrieking about the trailer."


Meredith: Hi.
DEREK: [walks into elevator] "Hi. Leaving?"
MEREDITH: "80-hour limit. You?"
DEREK: "Surgery was postponed." [smiles]
MEREDITH: [pauses] "I have a dog."
DEREK: "You have a dog."
MEREDITH: "My point is, I have a dog."
DEREK: [smiles] "You have a dog. Oh, and you know what? I love dogs."
MEREDITH: "I've moved on, so don't give me that look."
DEREK: "What look?"
MEREDITH: "That look. Our look. I'm over you."
DEREK: "I'm over you, too."
MEREDITH: "You are?"
DEREK: "No."
MEREDITH: "Oh. Well, I am. Over you."
DEREK: "I'm over you too."
MEREDITH: "You just said... shut up." [smiles]

GEORGE: "I have your lab work... it showed... have you been taking birth control pills?"
BEX: "If you tell my parents-"
GEORGE: "I won't! I won't. I just need to know why. Do you have a boyfriend?"
BEX: "Like anyone would want to have sex with me."
GEORGE: "Okay... then, why?"
BEX: [pauses] "Boobs, dude."
GEORGE: "So you wanted to make your breasts grow."
BEX: "I just wanted to be normal for once in my life."

MEREDITH: [petting the dog] "Such a good dog! Who's Mommy's good boy?" [looks at Izzie and George] "C'mon, what are you doing? We're gonna be late."
GEORGE: "Um, we need to talk about the dog."
IZZIE: "That's not a dog, this is a hyena that escaped from the zoo and dressed up in a dog's clothing."
GEORGE: "Whatever. I don't chew up his clothes. I don't urinate on his bed. I don't try to mount him from behind."
IZZIE: "Mount you from behind?"
GEORGE: "He tried to."

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

ADDISON: "Why did you bring a trout into the trailer?"
DEREK: "This is dinner!"
ADDISON: "I hate this freaking trailer!"
DEREK: "Fine then. No trout for you."
ADDISON: [broods silently]
DEREK: "Okay, I'll cook the trout outside the trailer."
ADDISON: "I still hate the freaking trailer."

[to Addison] "There is a land called Passive Agresseva, and you are their queen."