When are you going to put me in? I'm a really great pitcher!


Surgeons can't be lazy, the risks are too great. The second we stop pushing ourselves, something terrible happens. Something we never see coming.


It's not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it's better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb, even when your whole body is aching to come clean. So you shut your mouth, keep your secret, and find other ways to keep yourself happy.


The only thing worse than a bad surgeon is a scared one.


As babies, we were easy. One cry meant you were hungry, another you were tired. It's only as adults that we become difficult. They start to hire feelings, put up walls. It gets to the point where we don't really know what anyone thinks or feels. Without meaning to, we become masters of disguise.


Try a scone, you know you want.


Is it July yet because I need a whole new crop of residents.


Derek's a tumor junkie!


Meredith: Are you two talking yet or just having sex?
Cristina: Not just sex. Hot, dirty, stand on my head sex.

Wearing the vagina squad scrubs in public? We have standards, Mer.


Can you go have sex with him so he'll be nicer?


So, I'm a tumor mule?


Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Quotes

I wish I wanted a kid, I wish I wanted one so bad.


Do you have what it takes? If your marriage is in trouble, can you weather the storm? When the ground gives way and your world collapses, maybe you just need to have faith and trust that you can survive this together. Maybe you just need to hold on tight and no matter what, don't let go.
