Gordon: Can I ask you a question? Were you and Ryan ever, you know?
Joe: What?
Gordon: Did you ever, you know?
Joe: What?
Gordon: Were you, you know? More than friends? Hmm?
Joe: I never had those feelings for Ryan. Actually, he kind of reminds me of you.
Gordon: Oh, come on. Don't say that. I don't know how to respond to that. [Joe laughs] Stop messing with me!

Gordon: Look me in the eye and tell me you had nothing to do with the leak.
Joe: I had nothing to do with it.
Gordon: Alright. Then I'm all in. We'll figure this out. Together.

As I see it, you've got two options; you can turn yourself in and own up to what you did or you can run. Either way, I will help you.


Ryan: But you would have done the same thing. You're a master at this move. It's classic Joe MacMillan.
Joe: I can't work with Joe MacMillan anymore.

Look at us. Two unemployed CEOs ousted from our companies. Mine's toast and yours is going public.


Cam: Are you going to turn him in?
Joe: No. I'm worried about him. He's running out of options.

Look, I really hate to play this card, but as head of the company, I say we need to put the breaks onto any IPO until we have our house in order.


Joe: Gordon, you obviously have some questions beyond the decor.
Gordon: Not really. You obviously wanted to get fired. I've seen that move before.
Joe: Not really. It's more complicated than that.
Gordon: Really? Shocker.

Boz: So you think of me as a key player?
Diane [laughs]: Just give me the damn flowers and stop making problems where there aren't any.

Joe: I never figured you for a sore winner.
Gordon: Me either, but it's nice to know we can still surprise ourselves.

Joe: If it wasn't going to be me, I'm glad it was you. Write me from the future.
Gordon: Forty nine percent.
Joe: What?
Gordon: Come run it with me. For 49% of the company shares.
Joe: That's a cruel joke, and quite frankly, beneath you.
Gordon: I'm serious. Forty nine percent.
Joe: With how this looks, we need to be smart. I should be a silent partner.
Gordon: Even better. [They both laugh]

Boz: When were you going to tell me?
Cameron: Boz, I just found out myself? I didn't know Donna was gonna end run around me!
Boz: About your marriage.

Halt and Catch Fire Season 3 Quotes

Ryan: Oh, and I have to say it: something like this is way better for Mutiny than putting a bow tie on an avatar.

Cameron: What's up, Squirt?
Haley: Family Circus still sucks.
Donna/Gordon: Language!

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