Ace: [to Crystal] Get the fuck off me. I'm not your fuckin' boyfriend. How clear can I be? Jesus fuckin' christ.
Jack: Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ace: What, Jack? What's the problem? Oh, you got somethin' to say, too, Willie? Go ahead, bitch!
Jack: Hey! What the FUCK are you doin'?! [walks a way] [whispering] Hey. At what point do you think it's going to be OK to call Willie a bitch? What's wrong with you?
Ace: That's what you wanted, right? [crying] I'm a heel now.

Do you remember when we needed a new mattress, and you bought a pyrotechnic system instead?


Carol: Make it right, Jack. He's your brother!
Jack: I'm aware.

Ace: Hey.
Jack: Yeah?
Ace: I fuckin' hate you. You act like you're some kinda genius, but you're not. You're just a lawnmower salesman. You ruined my fuckin' life.

Gully: I don't think you're supposed to smoke in here.
Willie: Fuck you. [blows smoke in his face]
Gully: Jack's ego is going to be the downfall of the DWL. Jump ship before you go down with it.

Staci: That's a dramatic entrance. Timmy on the warpath again?
Jack: I didn't hit 'im, so there's that.

Look, I've been watchin' matches here ever since I was little. Sometimes losin's the best way to win over a crowd.


Ace: What? You made cuz I said fuck? They loved it!
Jack: We got kids who come to the show, Ace.
Ace: Yeah. To see me! I mean, listen to that!
Jack: When you're in the ring, you stick to my script.
Ace: Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! You hear that?

Willie: Who do you think your dad'd have win?
Jack: Don't matter. He's dead.

Jack: That's not fair. You put sex on my mind before church. How dare you?
Staci: Well, after church we can go see a movie. I'll leave my underwear in the car.

Crystal: [to Ace] Are you takin' me with you when you leave Duffy?
Ace: [to Jack] Fuck the belt. I already won. I go wrestle the match of my life, and it's like you said. I get to leave, and you stay here. Forever. Till you end up killin' yourself like Dad. [Jack launches at him, choking him]

Staci: Hey! What'd you decide for the finish?
Jack: Don't matter. It ain't real.

Heels Season 1 Quotes

Jack: That's not fair. You put sex on my mind before church. How dare you?
Staci: Well, after church we can go see a movie. I'll leave my underwear in the car.

Ace: What? You made cuz I said fuck? They loved it!
Jack: We got kids who come to the show, Ace.
Ace: Yeah. To see me! I mean, listen to that!
Jack: When you're in the ring, you stick to my script.
Ace: Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! You hear that?