Coworker: While all that was happening, the school rang, Bobby's not well.
Simon: I thought Bobby was off school.
Coworker: Go. I will cover.
Alice: Thank you. OK, Simon, I'll be 15 minutes, 20 minutes tops.

Sam: Just listen to me, Alice. Do me a favour. Listen to me, OK? Amanda, she shot and killed the pilot. Not because she wanted to, but because they're holding her family, right? They're holding her daughter. And she needs some assurances. That she's not gonna go to jail. I need you to tell me that there's someone there that is listening that can offer some assurances to the pilot right now. Please.
Home Secretary: Listen, Sam. If what you're saying is true, then Amanda will will face no charges.
Sam: Who's that? Sorry. Sorry. Who's that?
Home Secretary: I'm Neil Walsh, Home Secretary. Repeat no charges. You have my word for that. This is a resigning matter.

Daniel: Kai. Are you OK, Kai? Listen, if you can hear me, there's some serious stuff going on, but I'm on my way over there. You're at your dad's? Yeah, I'm coming over there now, OK.
Kai: No.
Daniel: Kai, your mother wants me to come over there now.
Kai: No, no, please, I'm OK. I'm coming home anyway. I'm gonna get on my bike. One was on this morning. The bike that I was on this morning, I'm gonna ride as fast as I can. I'm coming back home.
Daniel: OK, mate. You ride sensibly. Make sure no one pulls you over, OK?

Person 1: It's always gonna be more to this. It had to be? If you wanna break two men out of prison, whoever they may be, you don't need to hijack an airline. You just kidnap the governor or a guard. Now, this here is known as a bear raid. Bear is in the animal. Yeah, there was a major short trade made at the moment. So. They hijacked the plane, then leak it to the media. Not a major outlet, of that we've put under blackout, but some trigger-happy financial journal who goes straight onto Twitter, and before you know it, shares in Kingdom Airline are falling faster than the plane itself.
Person 2: But if the share price is dropping, don't you lose money?
Person 1: Not if you bet the other way.
Home Secretary: Exactly.

That's not Yansson. That's a negative ID on the target.


The expediate thing to do here is to comply, but comply slowly.

Team Member

Let's focus on the two people in the car and not on more than 200 in the sodding plane.


I made it quite clear to your colleagues in prison, I said 'anyone stops us, anyone follows us, and people start dying'. That was our agreement. You just broke that agreement, Daniel.


Home Secretary: There is a long history in this country and it's fairly well known that we do not negotiate with terrorists.
Foreign Secretary: Can we not just walk in here and start calling them that, please?
Home Secretary: Whatever we're calling them.
Foreign Secretary: They're an organised crime group, and a proficient one.
Home Secretary: The point being, we cannot be seen to be blackmailed. That is the line we always take.

I've been thinking. Maybe we can end this.


I've been given this. It's quite short, so I'll read it fast. You can tell me if it tallies with anything that you have. Fully attention of the Home Secretary and members of the UK Government. On the 7th of January 2023, Edgar Yanson and John Bailey Brown were wrongfully imprisoned. As a direct result of this, flight KA29 has been hijacked. This is your opportunity to right that wrong. You have the time it takes for the plane to reach London to release these men from prison. Failure to do so, or comply with any subsequent instructions will result in the death of all 216 people on board.

Home Secretary

These people are serious. They live in this street. Their family, their relatives. They live in the houses all along here. Edgar and Johnny, they own the whole lot. And they'll send people to clean this up.

Ryan's Mother

Hijack Season 1 Quotes

Sam: Enjoy the movie.
Hugo: Movie?
Sam: Or whatever it is you're gonna do that doesn't involve speaking to me.

Young Woman: You don't get one.
Mom: So... Sorry, love?
Young Woman: The lockers, it's not like they're allocated. They all belong to all of us.
Mom: We're entitled to 'em as much as anybody else is.
Young Woman: No, yeah, I know. I'm just saying...
Mom: And there are four of us. It's not just us and our fruity water. We've got kids.
Young Woman: I hadn't noticed.