Reda: This isn’t the arrangement we made, Carrie.
Carrie: What do you mean?
Reda: Our partnership. You were supposed to secure funding, investigate, advise. What you weren’t supposed to do is take matters into your own hands, break the law.
Carrie: I’m sorry, Reda. I fucked up.
Reda: Yeah, you did.

*Quinn hits Tommy across the head*
Tommy: Fuck, man!
Quinn: So, that's the two thousand I owe you, less the two thousand you stole from me leaves what? How much I owe you now?
Tommy: Zero. Nothing.
Quinn: You're fucking right.

Keane: What would you do? Call the Iranians out?
Dar: I would, yes.
Keane: Well you can guess how I feel about your advice.
Dar: I’m an old spy, madam. I trust old friends, new ones, not so much.
Keane: Well I’m going to try not to take that personally.
Dar: That’s not what I meant.
Keane: I hope not.
Dar: Otherwise you should feel free to ask the director for someone you’re more comfortable with.
Keane: You know what, I don’t think so. I think I’ll stick with you.
Dar: As you wish.

Saul: Says here you have a 120 million dollar line of credit at First Emirates, a little over half of which was accessed in the last week.
Nafisi: So?
Saul: Compliant bank, correspondent accounts, these are the same tactics you used to counter U.N. sanctions, fund Hezbollah, export your revolution to the rest of the world.
Nafisi: Is that a compliment?

Homeland Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Reda: This isn’t the arrangement we made, Carrie.
Carrie: What do you mean?
Reda: Our partnership. You were supposed to secure funding, investigate, advise. What you weren’t supposed to do is take matters into your own hands, break the law.
Carrie: I’m sorry, Reda. I fucked up.
Reda: Yeah, you did.

Saul: Says here you have a 120 million dollar line of credit at First Emirates, a little over half of which was accessed in the last week.
Nafisi: So?
Saul: Compliant bank, correspondent accounts, these are the same tactics you used to counter U.N. sanctions, fund Hezbollah, export your revolution to the rest of the world.
Nafisi: Is that a compliment?