Fillmore Graves has Liv. They plan to execute her.


You better not be on a plane back here. You stay there until it's safe. There's going to be a day of reckoning once we run out of brains.


It appears the antigen produced by Isobel's brain isn't a vaccine. It's a cure.


Lov is a many splendid thing, now you two can be executed together.


I'm here to surrender. I'm Renegade.


Clive: Will you marry me?
Dale: Yes. Yes!

Dale: I'm late for drinks.
Clive: Yeah, you'll be missing those. I love you.
Dale: And a good day to you.
Clive: I'm willing to be a zombie to be with you.

Young man, if I'm going to die, I'd rather die knowing you starved.


You wanted Renegade? You got him.


Major: Olivia, wait! This could be the last time we see each other.
Liv: Well, that will be very sad, wouldn't it?

Give this back to Brother Love. Tell him he has a friend at Fillmore Graves.


Angus: Enjoy your illusion of power, human.
Clive: Enjoy handcuffs, whitey.

iZombie Season 4 Quotes

Ravi: This new world is going to take some getting used to.
Clive: Why bother? Someone is probably going to bomb us any day now.

Blaine: Is that a guillotine?
Chase: Of sorts. It's a guillotine for zombies.
Blaine: But why? We're zombies.
Chase: Zero tolerance. That's our message.
Blaine: Message received.