Dutch: It's Sabine.
Johnny: Yeah.
Dutch: It's Sabine in a bag.
Johnny: Yes.
Dutch: Johnny, why did you bring me Sabine in a bag?
Johnny: Not a lot of better options.
Dutch: Oh I think when you're in girl in bag territory you skipped way the hells past better choices. What is going on?
D'avin: She's a Six.

Turin: I gotta go dark for a while. Clean house. You and your team are on your own.
Dutch: You're taking Sabine then, right?
Turin: Can't do it. Her people will probably send the Black Root for her here.
Dutch: Khlyen mentioned them. What are they?
Turin: They're like a secret police of the Sixes. Keep their people in line.

D'avin: I let Sabine go. I know you're not gonna agree...
Dutch: Stop. I can't hear you over the knife in my back.
D'avin: Dutch.
D'avin: She's Black Root. She's not some Level Six guardian angel with boobs, or whatever the hells you thought she was.. Khlyen didn't send her to watch us. She was using us to find Khlyen.

Dutch: We finally have a Level Six right where we want them.
Johnny: In the bag. No? Too much?

Dutch: Hey Betty Beheady, what is this?
Sabine: We call it a dreadnought. It's an execution stick for Sixes.

Detonation collar. If any of us gives the order, your head goes boom. How's that for sudden brain death?


Dutch: So the cure for Sixes is banging D'av?
Johnny: Yeah, well as much as I would like to claim that one for clan Jaqobis... No.

The green breaks your bonds with anyone you've ever loved. It's like everyone you had any connection to dies on you all at once. The more damaged and antisocial you are, the better a candidate. Guess I checked the right boxes. Like you.


Johnny: You know what? This is none of your business Bell. I can take a solitary warrant if I want to. I don't have to explain myself to you.
Bellus: You're right. As you were. Hey, whatever you're up to. They deserve better from you.

Killjoys Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Turin: I gotta go dark for a while. Clean house. You and your team are on your own.
Dutch: You're taking Sabine then, right?
Turin: Can't do it. Her people will probably send the Black Root for her here.
Dutch: Khlyen mentioned them. What are they?
Turin: They're like a secret police of the Sixes. Keep their people in line.

Dutch: It's Sabine.
Johnny: Yeah.
Dutch: It's Sabine in a bag.
Johnny: Yes.
Dutch: Johnny, why did you bring me Sabine in a bag?
Johnny: Not a lot of better options.
Dutch: Oh I think when you're in girl in bag territory you skipped way the hells past better choices. What is going on?
D'avin: She's a Six.