Ryan: Let me get this straight. You think that an eight ball and some titties in my face are going to convince me to bend over for $25,000, Garo?
Garo [snorts]: No. No, I don't think this. The $25,000 is a signing bonus tax-free. The contract is for three fights for the sum of $300,000. Now, if you sign right now, you get the cash and the deal. But if you don't, the deal's off the table.

Christina: What did they do? Did you vomit?
Kayla: Yeah, they wanted me to.
Christina: What happened to you?
Kayla [crying]: Nothing. It was for a fetish site, and I think they got the scene that they wanted. They seemed really happy. I don't want to be a bitch. Can I just take a bath? I kinda want to be alone.
Christina: Of course, sweetie.

Garo just told me that Dixon pulled out of the fight because he thinks you're fuckin' gay.


Alvey: Enough with these desperate cunts. Really, it's depressing.
Lisa: Well, we're scraping the bottom of the desperate cunts barrel right now, so we really need to make a decision.
Alvey: Just hire him. It's good. It's good. I'm excited.

This is Kayla with the double Ds.


Garo [to Keith who opened the door with a knife]: Rough neighborhood, huh?
Keith: If you're a sex offender, this neighborhood is a jungle, sir.

Kingdom Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

This is Kayla with the double Ds.


Garo [to Keith who opened the door with a knife]: Rough neighborhood, huh?
Keith: If you're a sex offender, this neighborhood is a jungle, sir.