I want to speak for all falsely accused men. False accusations destroy lives.


You and I are done talking.


Whoever did this killed Kara. And while you and 1PP are chasing your Trojan Horse, other girls are in danger.


I'm a good man struggling with some demons.

Father Eugene

Better yet, I just wouldn't let myself believe it.


Sonny: You still believe in God. Well He's here.
Eugene: If He is, he's damning me to hell!

Tucker says there's no point. His cousin doesn't have a soul to save.

Mike Dodds

I know what you think about the Catholic church, but it is NYPD cops who are trafficking these girls.


There are other felonies.

Abby's Mom

She'd be alive now if he wasn't so stupid.

Dodds Senior

I assume you don't want us to bust down the rectory door and haul them in.

Mike Dodds

Fin: Why keep all this?
Sonny: Cause they're Catholics. They don't get rid of anything. They just bury it.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
