You know how many rapists sing, hum, whistle, to their victims? A lot.


Hey, if I can get three rapes on NYPD'd dime, then that works out for everyone now doesn't it?

Chief Patton

This guy has a pager, knows how to make his victims pass out - what are we looking for? A doctor?


Deputy Chief Dodds: You're in the hot seat, Sergeant.
Fin: You see that, that's why I never took the Sergeant's exam.

Rape? Those women wanted to do what they did, they just wanted the pills.

Dr. Conklin

Rollins: Bad time?
Benson: Always.

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Not as petite as you're used to, huh?


What is the point of having a national DNA database, if the rapist's DNA is never entered into it?


Oh you know how I am Amanda, I never take no for an answer!

Chief Patton

No, his boss. Deputy Chief Patton.

Reese Taymore

Rollins worked for this guy!


These cases are about perception, not reality.

SVU Chief Mike Cutter