79 and stiff as a varnished eel.


Michelle: Cards on the table. When they found William Lewis, you'd beaten him to a bloody pulp.
Olivia: When I finally got to the other side, when I knew I was gonna live, I was gonna be okay, I realized I wanted more. More than the job. More than the relationship. The reason I fought so hard was for Noah. And I hadn't even met him yet. The thing I'm guilty of is I was distracted. I was on the phone. I took my eyes off him for one second. That's what I did wrong.

Fin: So McGrath put a spy in the squad room?
Benson: Fin. Play nice. I checked around and rumor has it that he's good.
Fin: Rumor is he's the one who started that rumor.

Reporter: You don't remember me, do you? I wasn't quite so cocky back then.
Paolo: You interviewed me then?
Reporter: I was just a fan then.
Paolo: I have a lot of fans, but I'm sure I'd remember one as beautiful as you.

Jessica: What can I do for you, Rodney?
Rodney: Go to dinner with me tomorrow.
Jessica: I'm working.
Rodney: Forget dinner then. Marry me.

Thank you. You just gave the movement the martyr we need.


My friends are dead, my mom's a mess, my brother's locked up forever. None of this would have happened if you had just left us alone! You want to blame somebody? Blame yourselves!


Stone: Are you always this persistent?
Benson: Just wait til you get to know me.

Benson: I'm doing the right thing.
Barba: I know. That's what worries me.

She called our bluff. And that measles misdirect? Offense is the best defense.


Vanessa: You haven't lost anything. you have your job. You have your son.
Benson: What I do know is nobody knows what anyone else is going through.

Benson: You grew a beard?
Barba: I'm in Iowa, trying to blend in.
Benson: Doing what?
Barba: Election fraud. We're living in a dystopian nightmare.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
