Lawyer: Can we hurry this up because my client's been waiting all afternoon.
Carisi: He should get used to it, because where he's going, there's not a lot else for him to do.

Spencer: What is this, Blackmail Spencer Day?
Carisi: Think of it as saving you from whoever recorded these videos. They were going to use it as leverage.

Benson: You know, if we find out that you were involved in this assault, either overtly or implied, I'm coming back with a gift.
Lena: What's that?
Benson: A pair of bracelets.

Maggie: Nothing happened, right? I can't have sex.
Benson: You were assaulted, Maggie. It wasn't vaginally.
Rollins: I know this can be hard to hear. Given the timeframe,we're lucky to get any evidence at all.
Maggie: Why didn't I help you earlier?
Benson: You were in denial. That's normal.

Spencer: Rich people value one thing more than money.
Muncy: What's that?
Spencer: Discretion.

Man: Is she going to be okay?
Rollins: She thinks so. [to Fin] Did you get anything?
Fin: He's not the most reliable witness. He thinks she was chased by a crow.

Rollins: What can you tell me about this party?
Spencer: It was a mix of Wall Street billionaires and tech bros.

Sexual compulsions start small. So how do we prevent them from blazing out of control?


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 6 Quotes

Rollins: What can you tell me about this party?
Spencer: It was a mix of Wall Street billionaires and tech bros.

Sexual compulsions start small. So how do we prevent them from blazing out of control?
