Guys like this, they rule by fear. Nobody really likes them.


Rollins: Lieutenant. We know how this works. And so does Sir Toby. He's so used to being above the law that he didn't bother to remove the footage of the other victims.
Fin: Cause he knows they're not gonna talk.
Benson: And he may have just overplayed his hand.

Benson: Judge Barr. How are you?
Judge Barr: Lots of changes. Can we speak in your office?
[In Benson's office]
Benson: I heard you stepped down.
Barr: It was my decision. The divorce wasn't, but with two kids in college it was either private practice or public bankruptcy.

Benson: Cutting it close, Counselor.
Carisi: I know.
Benson: So are we doing this or not?
Carisi: Not tonight. They're flagging the play.
Fin: I called it.
Benson: Carisi, what the hell is going on?
Carisi: I don't know. All I know is word came down from the eighth floor to slow this down.
Benson: I don't know what kind of hooks he's got, but whatever they are, he's not getting away with this.

Benson: He [Sir Tobias] has a big premiere tonight. There's going to be lots of press there.
Fin: Come on, Carisi, are we going to the party or not?
Carisi: I have to run this by Hadid. I have to. But I have no doubt when she hears the tape, she'll do the right thing.

Benson: Was it me, or did Bureau Chief Hadid seem reluctant?
Dodds: More like astute. This case blows up, it won't affect her.
Benson: At least she put Carisi on the case. He's one of us.
Dodds: Was. He works here now.

Sir Tobias Moore? Carisi's first day, my first month. You couldn't bring us a subway groper?


Tobias: Very good Pilar. There's only one thing you're forgetting. The vulnerabilty goes with... what's the word I'm looking for? Sexuality. Vulnerability and sexuality go hand in hand. You know that, Pilar, don't you?
Pilar: Yes.
[Tobias closes the camera]
Tobias: So why don't you take your blouse off and do it again?

Benson: As of midnight tonight, our own Sonny Carisi is -
Fin: Going over to the dark side.
Benson: Going to be joining the Special Victims Bureau in the DA's office.

Pilar. When Sydney told me you were waiting, she neglected to tell me how gorgeous you are.


Rollins: Your name's Carisi and you're pulling an Irish goodbye?
Carisi: I didn't want anyone making a fuss.
Rollins: How are you feeling?
Carisi: I'm scared. I turned in my gun yesterday. But if I don't make this move now, I never will.
Rollins: Well, before you leave me, how about one last drink?

Dodds: You really spared no expense.
Benson: Hey. It's not like we throw a lot of parties.

Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 1 Quotes

Rollins: Your name's Carisi and you're pulling an Irish goodbye?
Carisi: I didn't want anyone making a fuss.
Rollins: How are you feeling?
Carisi: I'm scared. I turned in my gun yesterday. But if I don't make this move now, I never will.
Rollins: Well, before you leave me, how about one last drink?

Dodds: You really spared no expense.
Benson: Hey. It's not like we throw a lot of parties.