Benson: If the touch was unwanted, that's a crime.
Helen: I don't want this to go any further. He saved my husband's business. I owe him.

Cole: Look, I know this is being recorded, so I'll just say that I didn't do anything you didn't want. Now I have more money than time. Tell me how much you want and I'll wire it to you.
Michelle: You think you can just leave money on the dresser and that'll make this all right?
Cole: You know what, you missed your opportunity. Story of your life.

Benson: I remember that night. My mom, Serena, was drunk and angry and lashed out at me. I was 13. She looked at me and she said she wished she never had me because of the rape.
Rollins: I'm so sorry. Did you ever wish she hadn't told you?
Benson: At the time. But it's informed my whole life.

Rollins: There's no way we can get a warrant for his phone records?
Carisi: Not for an old MCI flip phone from 2003.

Detective: I've seen that look before. Did she wipe the seat down before she sat down too?
Benson: Pretty much.
Detective: Why did she come here?
Benson: So that if anyone asks she can say she supported her daughter.

God, Ashley was such a tiny baby. She was two months premature and I did not expect her to grow up to be such a force of nature.


Carisi: That's not enough to get an indictment.
Benson: So you want a woman to remember details of a rape 18 years ago?
Carisi: Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

Girl: I want to report a rape.
Benson: Okay.
Girl: Not mine. It's my mother's. I was conceived when she was raped by my biological father.

Tommy was trying to make it easier for people to come out. You made it harder.


Chrissy: You think I did this to Tommy?
Benson: It doesn't look good, Chrissy. You've been lying to us about a lot of things.
Chrissy: I would never hurt Tommy. He's my everything.
Rollins: Then what's Ricky?
Chrissy: My everything else.

Listen to me. Tommy's all I got left and I'm going to use these last breaths to show my son how damn proud I am of him.


Velasco: You don't think he's actually good for this? I mean, he's Tommy's father.
Benson: Velasco, one thing you'll learn on this job is you never know what anyone's capable of.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
