Fin: How's McGrath behaving?
Benson: He's being respectful... for now. At least I don't have to run every one of my cases by him.
Fin: I wonder how long that will last.

Have I pursued women? Yes. You know what it used to be called? Seduction, not rape!


Burton: Is she okay? Did you talk her down?
Benson: No, Burton, I didn't talk her down. I listened to her.

Ian: My parents called the cops. I ran home. They took me to St. Lukes and I got 12 stitches.
Burton: And the cops still thought you did it?
Ian: I was so messed up I thought I did it, but I didn't, I swear I didn't. I loved Haley. My life ended the night that she died.

Low: An ADA, a geneticist. Your ex-detectives go places.
Benson: I wish they wouldn't. As my mother used to say, everyone always leaves.

Once an SVU detective, always an SVU detective.


Amaro: I work in forensic DNA.
Benson: Cold cases. That's a good fit for you.

Noah: If your mom was still alive, how old would she be?
Benson: Serena would be 77.
Noah: Wow. And you were already a detective when she died?
Benson: Yes, I was.
Noah: Did she like you being a detective?
Benson: It sounds to me like right now you're the one being a detective.

Either this will be tried in the court of Tik Tok or a court of law.


I would advise your clients not to litigate this on social media. Tik Tok, Youtube, whatever tube. Bail is set at 1 million dollars.


Carisi: The boys lawyered up already?
Benson: They're 21 and make more in a day than we make in a year, combined. What do you think?

Rollins: You okay?
Willow: Those boys assaulted me all over again and the whole world was watching.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
