Sweat, blood, semen. It's like a petri dish in there.


I can teach them to dance; I can't teach them not to be young and stupid.


Deliah: I need your help. I have to get this taken down. I already got fired from my teaching job. Oh my God, what if the Nationals find out?
Benson: We are going to do everything we can, but to be perfectly honest, once these things go viral, it's hard to get a handle on it.

Woman: I like you, Deliah, and what you do on your own time is your business. But we can't have that here.
Deliah: What?
Woman: One of the moms showed me the video. All the dads have seen it too.

Harrington: Vanessa! It's so good to see you.
Hadid: I need to tell you something. That woman over there is undercover and so is that one. We need to talk.

I know it's hard to forgive him, but can I tell you something I learned in group when I was in prison? Most inmates come from toxic parents, but if you're gonna heal and move on, you gotta love something about where you came from.


Hadid: Trey? It's a fundraiser for bilingual education. They are a very charitable family.
Benson: That's nice, but his entire team will be there.

Kat: I'm not sure I know enough about Exphisiam to answer any questions.
Tiffany: Oh, we are not going upstairs to talk.

Kim: Amanda, Daddy can stay, can't he?
Mr. Rollins: I'll stay in my car if I have to. I just want to see my grandkids.

Hadid: Do you think he's the only doctor doing this?
Benson: Isn't that for the DEA to investigate?
Hadid: The DEA has no clue how to investigate sex crimes. And now we have leverage.

Rollins: Kim said the oxy works really well.
Doctor: And she told you how this works?
Rollins: You mean paying with sex?
Doctor: Right.
Rollins: How much can I get?
Doctor: You're allowed a week's supply, but if you have different IDs we can get around that. Small pharmacies, my assistant has a list. Now lie back and pull up your skirt and I'll be right with you.

Fin: How did you pass the drug tests?
Kim: Where there's a will,t here's a way.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
