The Necromancer: Our enemy has an enemy. What does that make him?
Landon: A thief and a bully. He's stealing coins that were rightfully earned.

What my antiquated friend is trying to say is we heard the gods are into offerings, so we brought a bribe. Shrimp tacos and some special brownies.


Alaric: Call me paranoid, but I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
MG: Unless there's not another shoe.
Alaric: There's always another shoe.

I know I am not as impressive without using my magic, but I still want to fight. I can't stand by and watch while my friends are in danger.


The gods were a bunch of douchebags, except for Kronos, the god of time. Never once forgot my birthday. Get it? Because ... good with time. They all thought I was a freak because I didn't fit in. They were into war and destruction, and I was more into construction, as a blacksmith, an artist. My father hated me for that.


The only way to get out of a terrible job is to suck at it.

The Necromancer

MG: I am right on time to be your accountability buddy.
Alaric: So long as it doesn't interfere with me helping my daughters.
MG: That's almost the spirit.

Arrogance in the face of impending doom. I almost respect it.


Ben: Trust that no matter what you have to say to me, I will hear it with my very soul.
Jed: Oh boy, well that's a lot of pressure.
Ben: Well then, perhaps if I put it in your parlance. What's up, bro?
Jed: Yeah, that totally helps.

Sometimes I think that the true curse we carry is family.


Aurora: People have always made us feel as though we need to be fixed. But we don't need to believe them when they say we're broken.
Lizzie: That's borderline empowering. Keep it up.

Oh, boy, daddy issues. That's never good. Trust me.


Legacies Quotes

Alaric: Cheater!
Hope: You should really get a vampire to start doing my training. You're getting a little old for me to break your human bones.
Alaric: How dare you.

  • Permalink: Cheater!
  • Added:

Alaric: Block with your hand.
Hope: I got it.
Alaric: If you had it I wouldn't have to say it.