Lisey: Did you ask her if she has Good Ma's cedar box? Or did you forget?
Darla: What part of "She's not talking" do you not understand?

[Lisey] knows everything. She does. She learned most of it after she got rich.

Darla [to the police chief]

I don't need a creative drunk in my life because I have enough problems as it is.

Lisey [to Scott]

Alberness: [Amanda] may come back.
Darla: Or she may sail away on the Hollyhocks.

Dooley: You look just like your picture.
Dashmiel: Do I?
Dooley: Same smart face.

You know, I've dealt with a lot of crazies since Scott died, and the academics put the collectors to shame, but you really take the cake.

Lisey [to Dashmiel]

[Scott's] so fragile. You are going to have to protect him and you are going to have to keep him connected to the world.

Amanda [to Lisey]

Dashiel: I heard you were good at persuading people.
Dooley: Yeah, I am, Roger. Believe me. And helping 'em understand.

Darla: [Amanda's] a troublesome old cow but I love her.
Lisey: Yeah. You're stuck with love, aren't ya?

You were nothing but a restaurant hostess when you caught his eye. The fact that you slept in his bed does not give you the right to withhold his unwritten papers from the rest of the world.

Dashiel [to Lisey]

'Cause [Scott's] not dead for you, is he? Not even after two years,

Amanda [to Lisey]

Lisey: Why are they so important to you?
Scott: Stories are all I have. And now I have you.

Lisey's Story Quotes

Lisey: Why are they so important to you?
Scott: Stories are all I have. And now I have you.

Every marriage keeps its own secrets.
