Claire: I'd like you to look at the budget information and the accompanying note.
Ace: Oh, a note. What's the gist of the note?
Claire: I'd rather you read it.
Ace: Then you're a serious, responsible person. It's a big hold back for honest people. Very tough for 'em to take a yes.

Mike: How would you feel if I called you Chester?
Ace: Go ahead.
Mike: Too tawdry to pretend we can get back to that. I'll call you Ace now, like everyone else.

Mike: How's your grandson, Ace?
Ace: He's all right.
Mike: Hope he appreciates what you did for him.
Ace: Don't talk about him anymore.
Mike: Understood. Glad he's well.
Ace: You better f**kin pray he stays that way.

Jo: He's standing quiet.
Escalante: The horse?
Jo: The horse.
Escalante: Yeah. Good.

The jock says he won with a double handful. This horse is a running motherf**ker.


Marcus: I think I'm queer for you.
Jerry: Well, that's so nuts because I was thinking the same thing about you.
Marcus: That's very funny.
Jerry: Why would you think you're queer for me, Marcus?
Marcus: 'Cause I worry about you all the time. 'Oh, Jerry this and that.'
Jerry: This and that?
Marcus: Yeah, 'is something's gonna happen to Jerry' or so forth. You know, that 3 year old ran so great the other day, that old man's horse, and I'm so happy watching. And then the next thought, 'Oh, I'm worried with Jerry. He's got his neck under some wink's shoe'.

Ace: Riding an apprentice jock would double the odds. In case someone wanted to bet.
Escalante: You want to bet senor? That what you trying to find out? If I run him can you bet?
Ace: No.
Escalante: Then why you standing here breaking my balls?
Ace: To find out whether you're a gambler or a trainer.
Escalante: Who told you if you're one they throw you out for being the other?

Dr.: Mr Berkman, do you have someone you can talk to?
Marcus: A horse.
Dr.: That's not bad.

Claire: I've seen people profoundly changed simply by being in proximity to horses. Their size, their virtue, their complicatedness, their renowned patience and something. Don't be afraid of that, Chester.
Ace: Of what?
Claire: Everything that can be.

Nathan: If I'm gonna feel sick all the time, I don't if I'm gonna want to do this.
Ace: Do you feel sick?
Nathan: Yeah.
Ace: 'Cause you're an honest man, so far.

Ace: What do you know?
Nathan: I am still in your employ.
Ace: And in theirs. Did you set a salary figure with them?
Nathan: No.
Ace: Probably the right move, makes him look like an amateur.
Gus: Nice imitation, kid.

To purposes guessed at if not yet spoken.


Luck Quotes

Mr. Walter, listen, this guy's got nine more gears!


You think you're the first front in history?

Ace [to Gus]