Look where isolationism has gotten us in the past. Two world wars. Seventy million dead. Never again can we go back to those dark times when fear and hatred, like a contagion, infected the world.


What has made America great, and still does, is our diversity.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton: Talk about what unites us. Even at this moment of peril, remind Americans of our nation's original motto, something that I think about a lot and seems more important today than ever. E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one.
Madeleine Albright: Hillary, you're so right, because we all, unified, depend on each other.
Colin Powell: America. Americans.
Hillary: All Americans.
Madeleine: All Americans.
Elizabeth: All of us.

And I do understand that women of your generation didn't necessarily learn to be comfortable with ambition in the same way and I know it can look very obnoxious and over-reaching. But we have to demand more power ourselves. You know? Otherwise, we all just get stuck serving powerful men.


Russell: You know I respect Henry, but he needs to be on the same page as you. Publicly.
Elizabeth: We still have a year.
Russell: Practice makes perfect. Unless you convince your family that they're in it too, you won't win. It's as simple as that.

Stevie: What do you think?
June: Well, of course she offered you the job. You're a hot ticket. You have an inside track to the White House not to mention a direct line to your mother. This town will take connections over anything else.

Elizabeth: I'm starting to feel silently judged.
Henry: I'm just unpacking, babe.
Elizabeth: After 28 years, I know 'just unpacking,' and that isn't it.

I acknowledge, the United States is far from perfect. But one lesson India can take from America, despite our shortcomings, is that we have only approached our democratic ideals when we've striven to include *all* voices.


Madam Secretary Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

I acknowledge, the United States is far from perfect. But one lesson India can take from America, despite our shortcomings, is that we have only approached our democratic ideals when we've striven to include *all* voices.


Elizabeth: I'm starting to feel silently judged.
Henry: I'm just unpacking, babe.
Elizabeth: After 28 years, I know 'just unpacking,' and that isn't it.