This mission is so top secret that even the Secretary of State can't know.


Elizabeth: Are you having an affair? I heard it, but I don't believe it. But I need to hear it from you ... Oh, my God.
Henry: No.
Elizabeth: Well, you're going to have to be a lot more convincing immediately.
Henry: Have you completely lost your mind?
Elizabeth: Okay. That's better. But what's going on?

Daisy: So I should tell the Secretary, right?
Matt: And be the woman who told her boss about the other woman? That makes you the other, other woman. The worst woman of all.

Daisy: So, do you want to talk about it?
Stevie: The sandwich?
Daisy: Why you're getting drunk in a bar alone.
Stevie: He's a cheater.
Daisy: That sucks. But you're young. You can find someone else.
Stevie: My dad. He's a cheating cheater who cheats.

Madam Secretary Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Daisy: So, do you want to talk about it?
Stevie: The sandwich?
Daisy: Why you're getting drunk in a bar alone.
Stevie: He's a cheater.
Daisy: That sucks. But you're young. You can find someone else.
Stevie: My dad. He's a cheating cheater who cheats.

Daisy: So I should tell the Secretary, right?
Matt: And be the woman who told her boss about the other woman? That makes you the other, other woman. The worst woman of all.