Henry: You know what my dad said to me, the night before I got married? "Marriage is the nicest way to confront your own inadequacies on a daily basis."
Stevie: You should write that in a song.

Scott: Why would I agree to this?
Elizabeth: Because you want to build democracy. And because, if your company, KronicDM, is the force behind an internet led revolution that leads Angola to expose a corrupt regime and elect its first female president...that's gonna make a *really* kick-ass Super Bowl commercial.

He cannot *stop* suppressing freedom of speech, can he?

Elizabeth [about President Bastile]

Uh, Assistant Secretary Thompson is here, presumably to share the diplomatic equivalent of a high five.


Why would anyone pour the milk before the tea?! It doesn't make any sense, you can't tell how strong it is. I looked it up. George Orwell is with me on this.

Stevie [to Jareth]

So,all we have to do is find an agent who looks like this archaeologist, who speaks perfect French, and then somehow convince these extremists to that they should violate their religion and meet her face-to-face so she can set up the op. But, yeah, once we do all that, it's like you said, "Boom."

Henry [to Jose]

Elizabeth: Marcia Forman is having a field day with this dissent memo.
Blake: Marcia Forman is an unhappy woman desperately trying to make herself relevant.
Matt: Aren't we all?

I don't want you to think he's a bad person. He's just... British, it turns out.

Stevie [about Jareth]

I haven't been mansplained that hard since Craig Sterling was in office.


Henry: Are you kidding me? Who wrote these talking points? The Browns have got way bigger problems than finding a go-to receiver on third down.
Elizabeth: Can I just say how adorable it is that *this* is the most opinionated you've been about my job?

Russell: Here's a novel idea: stick to the Prime Directive. Let democracy take its course...without U.S. interference.
Elizabeth: Really? A Star Trek reference?

Matt [proposing possible sanctions]: Agricultural imports. I mean, they get a ton of poultry and grain from us.
Daisy: Not sure how American farmers are going to feel about that.
Blake: Not as bad as the Angolans if we cut off their food supply.

Madam Secretary Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Matt [proposing possible sanctions]: Agricultural imports. I mean, they get a ton of poultry and grain from us.
Daisy: Not sure how American farmers are going to feel about that.
Blake: Not as bad as the Angolans if we cut off their food supply.

I'm sensing an Eeyore footnote.
