This is why I'm in therapy, Mom. I'm literally the assistant to the Secretary of State, and you keep asking when I'm going to get a promotion.

Blake [on the phone]

Matt: So the whole arms smuggling thing -- was that Vesuvian or just Brennan?
Jay: He was the only one on the take. Apparently he was massively in debt, thanks to our skill in solving conflict with diplomacy instead of shooting wars.
Matt: Go us.

  • Permalink: Go us.
  • Added:

Oh yeah, who wants to ride in a helicopter when you can actually talk to somebody on the telephone? Perhaps later, we'll go get phosphates at the drug store and then go to the World's Fair to admire the gramophone.


Believe me, I know how scary it is to take a big risk, but sometimes that's the only way to move things forward. Use the connection you already have.

Henry [to Jason]

Elizabeth [about Piper]: You know, this is good. She's going against her instincts. Jason's got to get in there and build on the friendship.
Henry: That's not exactly what I told him.

Elizabeth: So where'd you land? Good cop or bad cop?
Henry: Grounded for lying, pancakes for broken heart.

Henry: Okay, I've got to say something. Two things, actually. One, we're never going to be able to compete with Kuwaiti royalty.
Jason: I know.
Henry: And two, which is way more important, Piper's gonna like who she likes, and it may not make sense, and it might seem like she's betraying who she really is, but you're not gonna change her mind by trying to compete.

Jay: You're better when you've had caffeine.
Matt: Dammit. I know. [steals Jay's coffee]

What is this? Are you trying to relive your first year after college? Because that is not a year I want to relive. Mark Meese stole my girlfriend. And ate all my cereal.

Matt [to Jay]

Jay: Coming over for the game tonight?
Matt: Dude, no offense, but I can't do another night at your place. I mean...all those metal folding chairs make me feel like I'm at an AA meeting.

Jason: It's this graphing calculator for Calc. It's $127.
Elizabeth: For a calculator? Can't you just use a pencil and paper?
Jason: I could. I could also just become a blacksmith and use primitive tools for an obsolete job in a world that no longer exists.

One crisis at a time. That's my motto.


Madam Secretary Season 3 Quotes

Elizabeth: Yes, Matt, my question was largely rhetorical. But I appreciate you being at the ready with your political ire.
Matt: Well, I'm always here for you, ma'am.

Daisy: You were a huge hit at the fair, ma'am. Your pig remark is trending.
Elizabeth: Wow, take that Lincoln and your Gettysburg Address. *I'm* going to be known for the pig remark.