Stevie: Oh, my god, you already know?
Elizabeth: I don't know.
Stevie: Mom, I don't know how you made it twenty years in the CIA with that *lousy* poker face.

Henry: Look, before we throw out a solid parenting strategy that's worked *pretty* well for more than two decades, let's deal with the problem at hand. There's only one thing we can do.
Elizabeth: Right. Nothing.
Henry [simultaneously]: Talk to her.
Henry: The key to our solid parenting style is that we're always on the same page. [Elizabeth gives him a look] Usually always.

I just want you to know that I am going to take care of this Harvard Law business. Cause this...will not stand. Not while I have breathe in my body, and the private phone numbers of forty Harvard Law mega donors in my contacts. Five years ago, I got a dictator's kid with a two point five GPA into that school, so believe me I will get your far more capable daughter in as well.

Russell [to Elizabeth]

Russell: Elizabeth, hang on.
Elizabeth: Ah, Russell, you heard the president. Let it go.
Russell: Hey, I already have. Faustian bargains always take me an extra minute. No, no, no, I'm all in.

I knew as leader of the free world, I would make some tough decisions, but whether to give a billion-dollar yacht to a an arms dealer...that I did not see coming.


Nadine: Okay, but why would Pirosmani ever agree to help us? A cease fire works against his self-interests.
Elizabeth: We need to get him to see the bigger picture. Pirosmani makes a huge effort to stay out of our cross-hairs. Who know? He might welcome the opportunity to have us in his debt. And, as my mother always said, no harm in asking.

Elizabeth: Your dad and I, we love our kids more than you can imagine. Mostly 'cause your ours. But we also love your differences.
Allison: Even Jason?
Elizabeth: Even Jason.

I'm not even applying to colleges unless I know that they'll take me. Underachieve, it's the only way to go!


Jason [about the billion dollar yacht seized by the DEA]: Hey, dad, you got to come check this thing out. It has a missile detection system, two helipads, three swimming pools, and a submarine that doubles as an escape pod. I got to figure out how to get one.
Henry: Well, I can think of two ways. Become a Bond villain or invent a social network. In the meantime, would you set the table?

Senator Carpenter: Now, if the Secretary of State were to put in a word on my behalf, I'm sure DoD would shake loose a jet. [chuckles] And then I might be inclined to help you with your request.
Elizabeth: So...if I call DoD, you will pass the emergency waiver?

Senator Beau Carpenter: We have these food aid rules for a reason.
Elizabeth: Yes, to, uh, subsidize US farmers so they can sell off their grain overages.
Carpenter: Now, that's a very simplistic...
Elizabeth: ...And to give US shipping companies the monopoly so they can overcharge and underperform on delivery. It is a...inefficient and wasteful system.
Carpenter: Welcome to the United States government.

Henry: Stevie hears from Harvard Law this week, too, right? Did you make a thumbs up for her other choices list for her, too?
Elizabeth: She aced her LSATs and she has a letter of recommendation from the White House Chief of Staff
Henry: And her mom's Secretary of State. [scoffs] It's a lock.
Elizabeth: Ish. [knocks on wooden door frame]

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Madam Secretary Season 3 Quotes

Elizabeth: Yes, Matt, my question was largely rhetorical. But I appreciate you being at the ready with your political ire.
Matt: Well, I'm always here for you, ma'am.

Daisy: You were a huge hit at the fair, ma'am. Your pig remark is trending.
Elizabeth: Wow, take that Lincoln and your Gettysburg Address. *I'm* going to be known for the pig remark.