Maddie already had a hit song about a title wave, for all we know she would have passed on a song about water rising. How much water can one girl sing about?


I don't need help talking to Maddie. I've known that girl since she was a tater tot.


I'm not the answer to anybody's problems. I'm just a girl with my own.

Kelly Walker

Just because nobody hit you doesn't mean you don't have scars.

Kelly Walker

A lot of the time it feels like I'm the only thing that keeps you happy. Then I can't be what you want me to be and I make you miserable and then I hate myself. I can't carry that weight any longer. I can barely carry myself.

Scarlett [to Gunnar]

Jessie: You confided in me about your niece and the next thing you know I'm bringing her tea. What kind of weirdo does that?
Deacon: A kind weirdo?

I had a miscarriage one week ago. So in a way I'm here saying this for her, for my daughter, because I imagined a future for her that was absolutely limitless. The only way we can get there is to strip away the secrecy and the shame because that is what makes us stronger.


I’ve been so wrapped up in us for so long. I need to figure out who I am.


I knew what I was doing and I did it anyway. There's no excuse. I’m just really sorry.


I’ve got no memories. I never even got to tell her her name. All I’ve got is the blanket they wrapped in her when I asked to see her.


You don't want to have this baby with me. You don't want me period.


My baby's not even born yet and we're already pimping her out for some more Instagram followers.


Nashville Season 5 Quotes

I'm lucky. That's what they keep telling me.


Deacon: I'm a dinosaur.
Rayna: Yeah, but you're a handsome dinosaur. Thank you for that.