Grace: Can we outrun our past? Or is the problem with running that you get tired? You get tired of hiding. Tired of trying to be what everyone expects you to be. Maybe running is not the answer. Because sooner or later, you gotta ask yourself: why run when you can dance?

Dr. Banks: The senior nurses seem to raz you a lot; it doesn't bother you?
Keon: I'm just the flavor of the month. They'll get bored of me soon.
Dr. Banks: Are you sure?
Keon: Seen it a million times. In football, the senior guys had us do some pretty ridiculous stuff, but you realized the tougher they are on you, it's like the more they respect you.
Dr. Banks: Cute, but this isn't football. Maybe you've heard the saying, "nurses eat their young?" And they don't ever get bored or full, they just keep on eating. Oh, um, and nice moves by the way. Who doesn't love a man who can dance?

Naz: Excuse me, uh, Dr. Hamilton? My name's Nazneen Khan. I just want to say your work in health sector development for impoverished part of India, like Bihar and Assam, have been remarkable.
Dr. Hamilton: That was a long time ago. I couldn't help but notice you in the auditorium earlier. The pink, it totally pops! I'm sorry, remind me, what was your name again?
Naz: Nazneen, but most call me Naz.
Dr. Hamilton: Nazneen. In Bengali that means delicate, doesn't it?
Naz: Ah.
Dr. Hamilton: It does?
Naz: Yes.
Dr. Hamilton: I thought so.

Grace: I'm supposed to be in there. surgery, Sinead let me out of it.
Ashley: No, it's not your fault. Okay, you didn't know this would happen.
Grace: Didn't I? I saw the way he looked at her. It was the same way he used to look at me. And I ran. Instead of standing next to Naz, I ran. I feel like everywhere I've gone today, every room I've gone into, every corner I've turned; he's been there, suffocating me.

Wolf: Do you feel like we're being made tribute? Like The Hunger Games?
Ashley: Hm. Kill or be killed.

Sanders: All right, people. You know what's fun about mergers? Nothing. So brace yourself because change is coming. Where you eat is gonna change. Where you gossip is gonna change. Where you change is gonna change. So better learn to addept quick, or they will find new "mes" and "yous."
Wolf: I just got a message from Dr. Niven about a personailty test.
Sanders: Oh yeah, that's happening. It's just the beginning. Companies don't just buy each other without kicking the tires.
Ashley: And we're the tires.
Sanders: That's right, Collins. You have no idea how right you are.

The past is a funny thing. We think it's something we can run from, something we'll never see again, but somehow our past always reminds us that it can also be our present, and our future.


Nurses Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Sanders: All right, people. You know what's fun about mergers? Nothing. So brace yourself because change is coming. Where you eat is gonna change. Where you gossip is gonna change. Where you change is gonna change. So better learn to addept quick, or they will find new "mes" and "yous."
Wolf: I just got a message from Dr. Niven about a personailty test.
Sanders: Oh yeah, that's happening. It's just the beginning. Companies don't just buy each other without kicking the tires.
Ashley: And we're the tires.
Sanders: That's right, Collins. You have no idea how right you are.

The past is a funny thing. We think it's something we can run from, something we'll never see again, but somehow our past always reminds us that it can also be our present, and our future.
