Felix: Can't you just like, look away?
Art: It's a dead body not a bag of weed.
Felix: Well, look away, and it too will go up in smoke.

Mark: I love her.
Bonnie: Not like her mother.

The boy clones are our brothers.


Okay, first off, it wasn't us.


I think she might be concussed because she's being weirdly straightforward.


I'm here, brother. Don't hold on. Go easy. I love you.


You little schemer.


I'm sorry, love, but you don't get to sit this one out. None of us do.


Sarah: She wants my help saving Leda and Dyad.
Felix: Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

I've learned from Dyad that secrets are power.


Seriously, Cosima, with soldier clones running around and, you know, all this lesbian drama, uh, I don't know that I want to work on the super secret shit anymore.


Sarah: You don't think I can do this? (gets into character) Rachel Duncan. Uber bitch.
Felix: That was terrible.

Orphan Black Season 3 Quotes

Sarah: She wants my help saving Leda and Dyad.
Felix: Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

Delphine's got your number? Well, we definitely need new clone phones.
