First, that family from Beverly Hills turns up in the river. And then the riot and four God-fearing white police officers end up in the morgue. And now we got another dead cop. Half this city's out for blood just like those bull-necks in the squad room. And all they want is someone to blame. Someone who looks like you and me.


Man, I've been sitting here trying to figure it out. Are you a cop pretending to be Mexican or a Mexican pretending to be a cop? But now I get it. You don't even know yourself.


Molly: God wouldn't ask me to choose.
Adelaide: God asks a great deal from those that he touches. Think of Jesus.
Molly: I'm not Jesus.

L.A. doesn't care who you are when you arrive. It only cares about who you make yourself into.


It doesn't matter what you've done. God already knows. All that matters is what you do now.


Tiago: He was a good kid. Before all of this.
Lewis: What about that kid in there?
Tiago: He's not my brother.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Man, I've been sitting here trying to figure it out. Are you a cop pretending to be Mexican or a Mexican pretending to be a cop? But now I get it. You don't even know yourself.


First, that family from Beverly Hills turns up in the river. And then the riot and four God-fearing white police officers end up in the morgue. And now we got another dead cop. Half this city's out for blood just like those bull-necks in the squad room. And all they want is someone to blame. Someone who looks like you and me.
