There will come a time when the world is ready for me. When nation will battle nation. When race will devour race. When brother will kill brother. Until not a soul is left. Are you ready? And on that day, a leader will arise and set all the kingdoms to war and all the races, one against the other. A day when the Dark Powers are coming into alignment and the world is ready to burn. And all it will take is one final spark.


All Mankind needs to be the monster he truly is is being told he can.


I have no heart for the living.

Tom: If we join the club, we get a badge.
Trevor: The Green Hornet gave us a ring.
Peter: Why do you want a badge?
Tom: Dad, everyone wants a badge.

When progress becomes barbarity, it ceases to be in the public interest.


Alex: You did magnificently today. You were a strong man.
Townsend: Mussolini.
Alex: Mussolini.
Townsend: Hitler, even. Now there's a fellow who understands the judicious exercise of power.

Tiago: Santa Muerte is the Angel of Holy Death. She's the one who brings dead people to Heaven.
Lewis: Oh, she's the one who does that.

Goss: What we want is a sympathetic ear. No more.
Townsend: For which you'll pay?
Goss: Indecently.

Tiago: You go against the cops, they'll shoot you down like animals. That's what you are to them.
Raul: And what are you? Where's your heart, Tiago?

If you're dying, I will come to you. But if your leg is in a trap, you must chew it off yourself.

There are so many corpses to gather. Everywhere I look, every step I take, I wade through that agony. I have no heart to care for Man.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

All Mankind needs to be the monster he truly is is being told he can.


There will come a time when the world is ready for me. When nation will battle nation. When race will devour race. When brother will kill brother. Until not a soul is left. Are you ready? And on that day, a leader will arise and set all the kingdoms to war and all the races, one against the other. A day when the Dark Powers are coming into alignment and the world is ready to burn. And all it will take is one final spark.
