Does that icicle heart of yours begin to melt? I bid you to remember this. Your only use to me is as the icicle. Otherwise, you're only one more unnecessary American.


Beck: What are you about, Ms. Malone?
Alex: I don't know what you mean.
Beck: No one seems to know anything about you. Where you were born. Where you went to school. It's like, one day, you appeared out of thin air, sitting on his shoulder and whispering into his ear. That means you have a secret. And in politics, secrets are currency.

Mateo: I don't need make-believe. I need my sister.
Josefina: Your sister has found her faith.
Mateo: So I have no one.

Beck: Why do you support someone so utterly devoid of worth?
Alex: I think he has potential.
Beck: Do you now? Gonna make him mayor, are you?
Alex: Gonna make him President.
Beck: You're going to make a racist demigogue without a single scruple the President of the United States?
Alex: That's exactly what I'm going to do.

All families have their secrets. There's a reason windows have curtains.


You see, this is what people don't understand about us. We are builders, not destroyers.


Maria: Sometimes things happen and you think they are bad but they turn out good. When Hansel and Gretel get lost in the woods, they find their way out again, don't they?
Tom: Only when they kill the witch.

My family may be at the center of this chess game of yours but we are not pawns. We are kings and queens and the blood of the Aztecs runs through us. The soldiers of the Revolution walk beside us. And as long as I draw breath from my lungs, I will claw through mud. I will climb hills. And I will fight you to the end of days.


Brian: I didn't think you were coming.
Dottie: And miss our usual Wednesday lunch? Hell, son, this is the closest to a date I've had in fifty years.

Tiago: He was a good kid. Before all of this.
Lewis: What about that kid in there?
Tiago: He's not my brother.

Molly: God wouldn't ask me to choose.
Adelaide: God asks a great deal from those that he touches. Think of Jesus.
Molly: I'm not Jesus.

L.A. doesn't care who you are when you arrive. It only cares about who you make yourself into.


Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Quotes

All Mankind needs to be the monster he truly is is being told he can.


There will come a time when the world is ready for me. When nation will battle nation. When race will devour race. When brother will kill brother. Until not a soul is left. Are you ready? And on that day, a leader will arise and set all the kingdoms to war and all the races, one against the other. A day when the Dark Powers are coming into alignment and the world is ready to burn. And all it will take is one final spark.
